Æther Void is a pen-and-paper tabletop roleplaying game developed by indie tabletop developer MBIT Entertainment B.V.. It features its own unique game system (the Æquilibrium Game Interaction System, or ÆGIS), worlds, lore, races, and much more.
While playing Æther Void, you embark on a journey, starting on one of the planets in the Æther Void universe. So far, we have Far Haven (Fantasy), Victoria (Steampunk) and Sleeping Dragon (Science Fiction / Cyberpunk), with many more on the way! Eventually, you may find your way to the other planets, causing a clash of cultures, principles, genres, and play styles.
The game is currently in closed beta. You can sign up for the beta with the signup bar at the top of this webpage, or you can download it for free from our Discord server at https://discord.gg/kdwET4K).